Monday, July 20, 2020

In our apartment

We arrived in our apartment at 4 Berlepschstr. So thankful to be here. Coming from the airport home is a little crazy. You see the signs everywhere, but have no idea what they say. It is overwhelming to be somewhere, where you do not know the language at all. I feel an urgency to learn as much as I can, I want to be able to communicate as best as I can. I am excited to plant in my balcony pots!

 It was fun to arrive to a care package from our landlords. We have had fun trying new treats. The beer is good too! Crista and Tim, our landlords prayed over us before they left and it made me feel at home. God is good to us and we are so thankful!

We have been putting together furniture from IKEA and trying to unpack. It is going to take weeks to get rid of all the cardboard and plastic. There are small trash bins outside to put it all in. There is one for paper, one for packaging, one for compost and one for trash. We are started to get settled. 
I went to the grocery store, have no idea what anything says. Here are a few things.
Wine is super cheap and good. 

Not my favorite, but I did find one I like better!

This one, heavier wheat, really good!

Thought this was bacon, it was 2 pieces of super thick bacon, I don't think it is pork belly, but looks similar. I cooked it and cut it into small pieces and tastes good. Cooking will be interesting. 

The trash here is another story. There are several bins to separate everything, I think it is a good plan, but trying to figure out what product goes where is tricky. I am using google translate all the time to see what goes where. My brother in law, Eric, will be happy to know we are composting all of our food scrapes!!!

The sounds of the city are different, no birds chirping, but you can hear the train go by. The cars and buses are louder then in Colorado. On Sunday morning it is quiet it is nice.

On Sunday night I did hear birds chirping, when you take time to really listen to the sounds beyond the city. The air gets cool at night and we love to leave the windows open.

Monday morning waking up to all my What's App messages, makes me feel loved and happy. Also Marco Polo, thanks Jen!!! Technology platforms are fantastic to keep in touch, so blessed.

Did I say that the building was built in the 1800's and was one that was not bombed. There is so much history here. These plaques within the cobble stones are of the Jewish people who lived in this building and died in the holocaust.

 I am looking forward to experiencing more of the history this city has to offer!

We walked around a bit, and you must pay attention to the different stones on the sidewalks. Some you park on, some you walk on and some you bike in. You must NOT walk in the bike area.
parking section of sidewalk

walking on left and biking on the right side. Same sidewalk different stones/bricks.

.If any of you know me, you know this would not last too long.....

Stopped at the grocery store (das lebensmittelgeschaft) it will be awhile before I can figure this language out, but I sure want to!

Hopefully they grow here. I just planted half of them. It makes me very happy to get my hands dirty and to have some color on the balcony!

 Trying a new white wine this Monday evening. It is tasty.

 It is 6:30pm on Monday and I am hitting a wall, the jet lag is real. I suppose the glass of wine does not help. 


  1. So far so good. Just scrolled quickly through. (RJ) Will take the time to delve deeper into your adventure at a later time. I see you found some bier. Can't wait for your review of the wines you discover! (Majority will be white wines.) (Langenlonshiem (sp?) was a red wine village.) Anyway-Love the blog!!

  2. Love reading your blog. It will be something I look forward to on a daily basis ❤️❤️

  3. Gosh I miss you! Beautiful flowers! Love the different stones to mark the walking vs biking parts of the road and the historic markers in the cobblestones by your apartment!

  4. OK so I asked my friend about the potato blobs yes potato dumplings.. when she makes them makes them into the ball they boil them but he put a yummy gravy on them because yes they’re boring

  5. It's beautiful! Your planters turned out quite lovely. Not being able to read signs would totally stress me out. Haha! I'm a rule follower. 🤷
