Friday, July 24, 2020

COVID free and able to roam, missing home too.

We got our results back NEGATIVE and are able to move freely. This is a blessing, as otherwise we would have to be in our apartment for 14 days, until Jeff reports.  We are looking forward to having some adventures together before Jeff starts orientation on the 31st.  We celebrated last night at the Block House restaurant with some friends from Colorado, one of which is teaching with Jeff.  It was a fun evening out. Milo walked back prior to photo.....

Milo and I went on a search for this building, as we can see if from the back window, which faces North.

It is fun to look at everything along the way. There is nature, but we are in a city, a big city, I notice all the flowers, and greenery as that is what is peaceful for me.

There is some green in that one... 

We found the building, pretty sure it is a school.

Latte macchiato

Lexa said it is like we are on a, not so good, vacation. It is true, we feel like we are on a vacation, but unlike a vacation, we have not been able to do much. That will be changing now that we have our results back, so that is good. It is starting to sink in that this is not just a vacation that we will be out of our comfort zone for awhile, probably by the time we feel like we can speak enough Deutsch to get around we will be headed back to Colorado. I am excited, but can feel the anxiety in our home. I am missing my friends, my garden, my folks, my dogs.  The other night I laid in bed and started to yell for sweet girl

So thankful they are able to be with my folks in the mountains. I am sure the girls are going to love being there, really appreciate my folks taking them in! This was a huge weight lifted, knowing they will be in a safe space and we will be able to get photos and updates.

Buddy is with one of my coworkers and they seem to be doing well. Thankful he found a good home too! Hard not to have our fur babies here.  

More adventures tomorrow...