Friday, April 15, 2011

Milo's 1st day of school and first bus ride 2nd day

These photos are all backwards, but you get the idea. Milo was diagnosed with childhood apraxia which means there is a breakdown between his brain and the articulators of his mouth, tongue, soft pallet etc. So he doesn't speak. He has a speech pathologist that comes twice a week to help him learn and he is making progress. It is fun to hear his voice! I love it. Since he has turned 3 the speech pathologist no longer comes to our house and now he goes to an elementary school near by to help him with his speech. I am amazed at how much more he is attempting to say after being in school for just one week. He came in our room yesterday morning and said."Ma nowing" It was snowing outside and I knew exactly what he was saying. It is a blessing. So the first day of school Bubbe and I took him and then the second day of school he rode the bus. As you can see he was excited. As you can also see I followed the bus! incognito photo from the car. I saw several mothers looking at me probably wondering why I was sitting in a car with a telescopic lens. Haha, first day on the bus had to do it! following the bus to school, just he and one other little guy on that big bus. Too cute
In his special spot
too little to be on a such a big bus
RUNNING to the bus, so excited, "me, me,me"
Milo and his teacher Mr. Craig, who happens to be from Western Nebraska.
Milo and I, can't believe he is in preschool already, my how the time goes. Before I know it they will be off on their own.
Milo and Bubbe
Milo at Bacon Elementary School 1st day
getting his backpack on and ready to go
in the car on the way. We asked if he was excited and he is here saying,"ya"
1st Day in front of our house.

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