Thursday, October 20, 2011

How fast 6 months goes!!!

I have had more than one person tell me that I am not keeping up on the blog and that is the truth! I am amazed how fast 6 months can go. So, here you have it in one blog post the goings on of the Kenna family.

Here they are building Fort Kenna for the chickens.

Mixing cement is the favorite thing! What a mess, good thing we have no sacred clothes in this house.

Folks came down for our Easter service. I had wanted to have our own sunrise service this year. I had my ipod loaded with worship music, I had Jeff and Matt ready to read the Easter story from the Bible, I had the Resurrection eggs ready, the sand dollar story and Kathy had the sand dollars. We were all ready to head of to Horsetooth and experience the sunrise on Easter morning. I just love sunrise on Easter, a new beginning, so powerful to watch it come up over the horizon. I was vetoed, it rained and was cloudy so there was no sunrise for us. We had a great time here at home though and were still able to enjoy it!!

Coloring eggs, so much concentration!

Mati, Noah Diehl, and Lexa, Milo Kenna

Alexa's spring program, singing about the colors of the rainbow. It was so fun to watch, she has become quite the performer. I remember in preschool she would NOT perform and would cry, she has gotten over that!

Here Milo got to go on stage with Alexa, and he was pretty excited about it!

Alexa and I before her sunbeam performance at Rez. This was her first dance class and she really enjoyed it. It was my first recital as well. It was wonderful.

College World Series in Omaha came next. It was the first year at the Ameritrade Field vs Rosenblatt, although it was hard to leave Rosenblatt, the new stadium was awesome, more leg room, cup holders and outside breeze way. We had a great time. The kids did great. The first game started at 1, Dad thought we should get to stadium at 9, yes 9, 4 hours before the game was to start. Did I mention it was a double header and the second game started at 6pm? So we went to the game at 9, watched it at 1, then waited and went to the game at 6, so needless to say it was after 9:30 by the time it was all over. We made them do this 2 days in a row and they did great. There was a lot of, dippin dots, chicken strips, cotton candy, snow cones, corn dogs and large smoothies, along the way. Oh one other thing I must mention, they have all these games outside the stadium, running bases, batting, throwing, all kinds of things. I did one which was throwing, you had a large circle target, then smaller and smaller, I got all 3 so my name was on the board for female over 18!! I have to say I didn't see any other adult women doing it so.....

Jeff and kids in free sunglasses they were handing out!

Fun in the sprinkler

Alexa and Milo enjoyed several swimming lessons this summer. Alexa is a little fish and is learning nicely. Milo can hold his breath for 8 seconds and blow bubbles. They both love to be in the water. Makes me feel better the better they get!

Right after these pictures were taken I was off to storm duty in Joplin MO for 3 weeks. It was much harder to see the devastation than I thought it would be. It was hard for me to be away from my family and I got in a little bit of a funk.

Fun time with their Dad at Swetsville Zoo.

Alexa learned to ride her bike without training wheels! So fun, she was very excited. We just asked her if she wanted to take her training wheels off, she said sure, and hopped on and away she went, no help needed. CRAZY!!

Diehl's and Jeff and I went to New York for a few days. We had a great time, but all realized if we are going somewhere that is this hot, we need to be on a beach! We got to see Billy Elliot, The Perfect Crime, Midnight Harry Potter and a midnight comedy show. It was lots of fun!

view from empire state building

Then off to our favorite vacation at 3 LAKE RESORT MINNESOTA!! My folks and Diehl's made it this year.

Milo jumping off the docks, he was not to be getting in the water as he was still in his clothes, but..... So much fun!

Alexa and Mati would go out to the end of the docks and dive for shells, they found hundreds. They have so much fun there. It is crazy to watch them grow each year and what new things they find to do.

All of us after our annual tie dye adventure! Too bad Alexa was pouting. This is a fun picture

Jackie and Mike Kaminski came to visit and we took a hike upto Horsetooth Falls. This is the first time we have ever gone up there. It was a good time, would like to do it again in the spring. The falls were a trickle.

Alexa's first day of First Grade! She is with Mrs. Hansen at Zach Elementary

After this was taken, I took Alexa to school and then I had to go on storm duty again for 3 weeks, this time in Topeka Kansas. Again, too long to be away and too hard on the family.

I missed Milo's first day of preschool at Bacon Elementary with Ms. Alyssa

The day I got back. Shellie, Adison and Leoniades Salza came to visit. I was so excited to see them all. Alexa was super excited to see her best friend. They had a great time together!

Here is Milo on a bike with pedals, since Lexa can ride hers now, he is wanting to try, too funny.

Here we are up to date. Can you believe it. I will attempt to do a better job at keeping up. We will see. I am currently working on getting ready for a show on the 29th where I will sell my jewelry,lotion and ornaments, should be fun.

I am thankful to be out of my funk I talked about earlier. It helps when you start the day realizing you are working and living for Christ, and trying to do the best job you can at that. Makes it easier not to be in that negative spot I had been in before. Praise God!

I have recently read Crazy Love by Francis Chan and it has rocked my world, I recommend it! Also reading 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp, also recommend that one.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the update Jaimee and great pictures. Feel like I haven't missed a thing:) I also just got the book Crazy Love. Haven't read it yet but hope to soon. Luv you!! Kiss and hugs to the kids!
