Friday, April 15, 2011

Milo's 3rd Birthday!

Milo turned 3! Can't believe how fast it is going. Milo is a sweet boy. He has a smile on his face most of the time and is very loving. He is very sensitive and gets his feelings hurt easily. This is the first party we have had for Milo by himself.Every other year we have combined both Milo's and Alexa's birthday since they are less than a month apart. This year it was all Milo. I decided that I would do an Asian theme instead of the Fiesta have have done the previous 5 years. We had Beef and Broccoli, Kung Pao Chicken, Pad Thai and several sushi rolls, with tuna, crab, spicy tuna and eel. It was fun and much easier than the Mexican food. Much less chopping. It will be fun to see what this year holds for our little man. Milo and his friend Maggie, working on sharing Uncle Eric working with Milo on his new motorcycle launcher.
Gift opening time!! Thanks everyone
Cutting the cake
Milo blowing out his candles. He almost got them all out in one blow. He was so excited.
Another one of Ammy's great cakes. Thanks Ammy, you do a wonderful job!!
Jeff and Sara
Beth, Steve, Don, Diana, Teresa
Getting the cake ready. Milo decided to add himself to the side window with a big poke.
getting it all ready.

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