Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bombarded with photos!!

Area not too far from our house where we went on a little hike. I sure do love the state we live in. So thankful to be here.

fun with the chickens! These are backwards so these are when the chickens are about a month old. They have been quite the entertainment. We are excited for eggs mid summer. Hopefully they are not traumatized by all the attention!

Here is Alexa at Kellan's 6th birthday party and her first time ice skating. She did a wonderful job getting out there. She ended up being sad and I found out later some boys that were there told her she was a stupid skater who didn't know how to skate. Wish I had known earlier so I could have pumped her up to respond :) We had a really good time.

This is the little hike by our place. The kids love going on adventures. They had fun throwing rocks in the water. I really enjoy the fact that they like to be outside and explore.

One of Alexa's performances. She does this very often, this time there was a mirror in the living room we hadn't hung up yet, so she was focused on watching herself in the mirror. She make up her own moves and her own songs. It is pretty funny. I need to post a video on here so you all can enjoy her creativity. She even did a routine with an umbrella that could have been very dangerous as it included throwing it up in the air and attemping to catch it, unsuccessfully :) too funny

Milo loves to play any kind of ball, here he and Bubbe are playing soccer in the backyard. I wonder what sport he will like the best, right now it is, baseball, basketball and soccer. He is pretty good for being 2 years old. He is batting with his left hand, and shoots and throws with his right hand. Papa is very excited about him batting left! Bubbe has been here this winter watching Milo for us. She has been such a blessing and a HUGE help. We call her Cinderella.
Alexa's kindergarten class

Chicks. They are quite the hit at this size. Milo doesn't really like to hold them, but really liked to have them on his lap.

Fun times with Dad.
Alexa at a gymnastics birthday party, she got up on the vault which you can see in the rt of the picture and did a flip. I was very surprised, she just decided to do it on her own. Which made it more fun as I was expecting her to jump.

This is Rosie, there is also Diamond, Ariel, Jasmine, Winter Snow, and Sugar Lips. Although now that they are about 2 months old I can't tell them apart anymore.
buying the chicks

Milo helping cook at the old house before we moved. He likes to make eggs and help with veges.
Big Sister reading to her brother. So fun!!

So, I have been into going to Hip Hop classes and having a ball. This night, we went out to a bar in town that was being rented out specifically for our hiphop, we had a great time. Jeff calls it hiphop line dancing. He thinks that he can do it. Which is fun. Love having my husband come participate in things I enjoy doing.

So we are getting settled into our new home and we love it. It is nice to have an office upstairs for the first time in 10 years and a guest room. It is great. We are so thankful. We are now landlords, so we hope that goes well. Of course, the 2nd month in someone is already late on rent, hopefully this is not a sign of what is to happen.

I hope to take some photos here of the house soon. Can't seem to get it all done.

I have to mention a few of Alexa's comments lately, before I forget.

I was driving Alexa home from dance class and was trying to get her to call Ammy and Papa as they were wanting to talk to her. She told me, "no, I'm doing business and that is a matter of fact."

When asking her about another kindergarten teacher she said,"she's complicated..........what's complicated?"

She is too funny. She is also becoming quite the writer. She has a wonderful imagination and it is fun to watch it come out on paper.

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