Tuesday, July 7, 2020

To Germany we go!

Oh my goodness how crazy the story begins.  I am going backwards for a bit. There has been an opportunity to do a 2 year teaching job at JFK School of Berlin through Poudre School District. Jeff had a heard about it, but had not really looked into it, until now......So the story begins. Nov 2019 there becomes a 5th grade teaching position available, Jeff mentions he wants to put in for it. I thought it sounded like it would be fun to move to Germany and explore another county.  I start watching International House Hunters, not really thinking we would do this, but fun to think of the possibilities. I decide to look at the school website and look under employment. There was no 5th grade job listed. I told Jeff, he was frustrated as it was there the last time he looked, but he hadn't yet applied. He decided to reach out to see what happened. They indicated there were too many applicants and they closed the position. The encouraged him to go ahead and apply for a different position, so he could get into the system for the application process and would later be able to indicate what position he really was applying for. They also advised him of all the documents they would need if he made it through the next part of process. Jeff immediately sent in all of the documents and within a couple of days they called him for an interview. Some of the staff from JFKS came to CO and interviewed Jeff in person. They were then headed to Atlanta for an international hiring fair to continue their interview process.  I went to meet my friend Tina in Nashville December 2019 for the weekend and Jeff was to find out if he was hired after I got back.

I woke up in my hotel and there were several text messages from Jeff, asking me to call him. He couldn't wait as after 45 minutes I get another text that said "We are going to Berlin!!!!"   I must say I I was excited, in disbelief and also felt like vomiting.  It was news I would have liked to have been with my family when I found out, just to be together and see reactions of kids and excitement from Jeff. I was thankful I was with Tina as she is just like family.  We saw God's hand on this each step of the way, so we felt led that this is what we are going to be doing. So the adventure begins....

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