Sunday, July 19, 2020

To the Airport and Arriving in Berlin 7-16-2020

We headed to my folks on the night of the 15th and then made it to the airport on the 16th of July 2020. When we were checking in with all of our luggage the lady thought only Jeff could go as he is the only one with a visa. I said no, we have all the paperwork, they ended up letting us board our flight to Chicago and got us boarding passes all the way through to Berlin. Praise the Lord, first step down.

We made the first leg of trip to Chicago. The agents there needed to check all our paperwork. While they were reviewing it. I asked how full the flight was, the agent said not full enough to not be able to give you can upgrade. Wasn't really sure what she was talking about then I saw the ticket...


We were so excited and thankful. God is good! We were a bit ridiculous once we got to the seats. It was fantastic!



BERLIN here we come. 

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