Friday, July 31, 2020

Lots of learning and more food and family and frustration

We have been on lots of transportation S Bahn, U Bahn, Tram and Bus. It is nice to be able to get around to lots of places. We learned that zip codes matter here as the same address can be 45 minutes apart from each other. The became apparent when we went to set up our bank account. Jeff has been a fantastic navigator and got us to the address we put in but it was the wrong zip code. We were thinking something was strange when we were to be going to the main bank (which would be near high rises) and we were in a neighborhood... We don't have german phone numbers yet, so we have no data and can not get online to see where we were or where we were supposed to be. With some help from a friend, we got to the bank and hour and a half later than our appointment..... We have a bank account and they were very gracious with us. 

I remember back when I got my first cell phone and I said I would never text. How things change. It is interesting to revert back to before cell phones. We have no data, so we are looking at maps etc. When you are not in a hurry it works ok, but when you are trying to get to an appointment it is stressful! Always pretty things on the way.

Living roof, no need to climb this one!

Living roof, no need to climb this one! So cool. I love seeing these things on our walks, We walked over 9 miles on this day.  I would say I average between 13,000 to 23,000 steps each day. Feels good even in my Birks. 

We went to a gathering at another teachers place in Mitte. This here is the view from their apartment. It was beautiful on the roof top!

Have I mentioned how delighted I am at the prices of cheese?????

 Made my first board for a party for the new teachers. So much fun!  Makes me miss all my girls. 
Speaking of my girls, so excited they video called me at 6:30am after they were having dinner wine! Loved it, made my day

They need a selfie stick so I can see everyone at the same time. Makes me smile just looking at it again!

We also went on a mission for bikes as that seems to be a fantastic way to get around. We got side tracked by an insane ice cream place. 

Yep that is a chocolate cup of Bailey's on the top! Yummmo

All Done! 

We finally got to go see my cousin Gretchen and her family. She has a new little one less than 2 weeks old attached to her, so small.  Excited to have them near by and that she has 15 months off for maternity leave and I will get to hang out with her! At the Biergarten. We had brats and Raddlers (beer with lemonade in it, tasty) 

We have learned that we should have had all electronic issues figured out prior to leaving the states. We should have ported our numbers to google voice before leaving the US. Google voice is a service for the US only... Who knew. Still trying to figure out if I can keep my phone number, as I have had it for over 20+ years. I may have to just loose my number and that annoys me. Frustration.  We try to order items from and it thinks there is a suspicious user and cancels my orders. Frustration. Jeff tries to download Minecraft on the computer for Milo thinks it is a hacker. Frustration.   On the bright side they are very safe.  So far that has been it. Which I think is pretty darn good considering we have just moved to a new country. Thankful that JFKS is helping with all the paperwork, visa's, doctors, kindergelt ($200 a month per kid, oh yeah) , etc. What a blessing. 


  1. You guys are becoming locals, well done! If you like strawberries, try the spaghetti eis at one of those ice cream shops.

  2. spaghetti ice is legit so good!!!!

  3. Woah! That ice cream!!! I like these “Raddlers” you speak of! Yummy things there Jaimee. Loved seeing you on our video call. Miss you so much.
