Friday, July 31, 2020

Lots of learning and more food and family and frustration

We have been on lots of transportation S Bahn, U Bahn, Tram and Bus. It is nice to be able to get around to lots of places. We learned that zip codes matter here as the same address can be 45 minutes apart from each other. The became apparent when we went to set up our bank account. Jeff has been a fantastic navigator and got us to the address we put in but it was the wrong zip code. We were thinking something was strange when we were to be going to the main bank (which would be near high rises) and we were in a neighborhood... We don't have german phone numbers yet, so we have no data and can not get online to see where we were or where we were supposed to be. With some help from a friend, we got to the bank and hour and a half later than our appointment..... We have a bank account and they were very gracious with us. 

I remember back when I got my first cell phone and I said I would never text. How things change. It is interesting to revert back to before cell phones. We have no data, so we are looking at maps etc. When you are not in a hurry it works ok, but when you are trying to get to an appointment it is stressful! Always pretty things on the way.

Living roof, no need to climb this one!

Living roof, no need to climb this one! So cool. I love seeing these things on our walks, We walked over 9 miles on this day.  I would say I average between 13,000 to 23,000 steps each day. Feels good even in my Birks. 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

First Adventures! Food and Postdam and more food

Alexa and I walked to the grocery store, there are a few near by and we are trying to decide which one will be our go to.  It is very overwhelming to walk into a store where everything is in a language you do not know, sure wishing I would have worked harder on my German. I am now doing that, one of the first things I attempt to say is mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut. Sometimes they just look at me, well most of the time. Anyhow, we are coming along. We found the good stuff.

There is a great fruit stand at the S Bahn stop by our house so that is nice too. We had our first Currywurst, which was great. I forgot to take a photo. Imagine that. It is a wurst (sausage) with a curry ketchup. Was surprised Jeff liked it, but he did.

We headed to Potsdam by the S Bahn to have dinner with a couple there. We left early in the day so we could explore the area a little bit. It is not far from us, maybe 30 min SouthWest. 

First attempt on the S Bahn together. Jeff did a great job figuring all the public transportation out. We hope to purchase bikes soon, as that will be a very nice way for us to get around. Hopefully we will find some this upcoming week. 

Neues Palais (New palace)

Lexa has some app that she can delete people out of so some of these look like no one is there, which is fun.

 Massive structures are impressive, especially back when they were actually built and didn't have the equipment we have today. 

Walking through the  Park Sanssouci

Schloss Sanssouci Castle

These were like greenhouses on each level. It amazing the magnitude of these palaces and castles. 

 If you look up behind us you can see those greenhouse like doors on every level it is pretty cool.

Headed back home at midnight! Can you believe it? Way past my bedtime. haha. 

We tried our first delivery. It was ok. Check out the delivery guy!

Did I mention I miss the dogs??

Oh and we got a new clothes dryer, pretty awesome!

Thankful we are able to move about. We have a met a few couples and have been invited to dinner a few times, which is nice. Hoping to have some folks with kids our age. Milo starts at the Kennedy International Sports Camp today. He seems to be excited, but I can imagine he is nervous. I am nervous for him. I am just a bit anxious for the kids in general, well myself too.  This is a big change. It is very strange going from being busy, to not busy at all. I think we get so used to the hustle and bustle and ,for me, I am not certain how to slow down to this kind of slow. There are no house projects, there is no weeding the garden, no piles of laundry (washer is tiny, little at a time) apartment is a quick clean, there is no tv, there are no close friends, just different and new. Trying to be intentional about what I want to fill my time with. I know it probably sounds crazy, that I have all this time and it makes me feel unsettled and anxious. I have learned to fill my day with busy and will be learning something new now.  Maybe I will figure out how I can type next to the photo instead of above and below. Probably didn't pick the best platform for this. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

COVID free and able to roam, missing home too.

We got our results back NEGATIVE and are able to move freely. This is a blessing, as otherwise we would have to be in our apartment for 14 days, until Jeff reports.  We are looking forward to having some adventures together before Jeff starts orientation on the 31st.  We celebrated last night at the Block House restaurant with some friends from Colorado, one of which is teaching with Jeff.  It was a fun evening out. Milo walked back prior to photo.....

Milo and I went on a search for this building, as we can see if from the back window, which faces North.

It is fun to look at everything along the way. There is nature, but we are in a city, a big city, I notice all the flowers, and greenery as that is what is peaceful for me.

There is some green in that one... 

We found the building, pretty sure it is a school.

Latte macchiato

Lexa said it is like we are on a, not so good, vacation. It is true, we feel like we are on a vacation, but unlike a vacation, we have not been able to do much. That will be changing now that we have our results back, so that is good. It is starting to sink in that this is not just a vacation that we will be out of our comfort zone for awhile, probably by the time we feel like we can speak enough Deutsch to get around we will be headed back to Colorado. I am excited, but can feel the anxiety in our home. I am missing my friends, my garden, my folks, my dogs.  The other night I laid in bed and started to yell for sweet girl

So thankful they are able to be with my folks in the mountains. I am sure the girls are going to love being there, really appreciate my folks taking them in! This was a huge weight lifted, knowing they will be in a safe space and we will be able to get photos and updates.

Buddy is with one of my coworkers and they seem to be doing well. Thankful he found a good home too! Hard not to have our fur babies here.  

More adventures tomorrow...

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

First few foods and many more to come!

Everyone who knows me knows I love food. I will try anything once, especially if I don't know what it is first. We got our COVID tests yesterday and on our walk back to the house, we stopped at Civan's Doner stand to try one, it was fantastic! Very similar to a gyro but different, comes on a thicker delicious pita, comes with cabbage, tomato, onion, a different sauce and the meat you choose off the spit. Mmmm will eat these again!  Not really certain what meat we got, but thinking it was lamb???

I have no idea what I am buying in the store. So, I figure i'll pick things up and we will figure it out as we go, so this is one of the things.....

 Looks interesting, heard they were potato dumplings, thought I would go for it.  My Dad's side of the family is Czechoslovakian and we have always had potato dumplings, home made of course, and with sauerkraut.  Well, these were different more like snot balls, vs. the rubber potato dumplings I am used to.  Not good! The deal is EVERYONE has to try anything I make so.....

Sticky snot ball.......

He tried it....  maybe if I had put with sauerkraut (NOT) 

I attempted to pan fry them after, preparing like the directions indicated. It did not help, it had a slight crisp on the outside but still sticky snot on the inside. Nasty

The final product in the trash, the compost trash I might add. Have I talked about that yet? I think maybe I have, if not I will revisit that later. I am looking forward to far more fantastic food creations, but we will see.