Friday, December 31, 2010


Well I don't think the link works, but the MLS listing is 643493 and the address is 3613 Wescott Ct. Fort Collins CO 80525

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Well we have made an offer on a house and here it is.

We are excited to see what happens. We are set to close on January 28th. It will nice to have an office upstairs and a guest room ready! The kids are starting to say they are excited, but really don't care so much at this point. They are more interested in the concept of us packing EVERYTHING and this house being empty. Even the soap?

Jeff and I have begun to pack and we have started in the basement. Jeff does the packing and I read the memorabilia that I find out loud and we reminisce. It has been fun. I can not believe all the stuff I keep thinking that one day I will be able to do it. Some of which I will and am looking forward to. Among the items that I have found are all my jewelry items (I do this, but vary rarely), soap for soap making, a loom with 3 inches finished from 6 years ago, a toothbrush rug started (about done, but NOT done), quilling, cross stich, a chunk of knitted material, lots and lots of scrapbook stuff and all my lotions and herbal stuff. Tried real hard to purge but was convinced myself that I will use it again so I should keep it, makes me laugh to type it out. Idid purge the loom (haven't used it in 6 yrs, won't use it now) the soap, and several glass containers. So that is a plus.

Jeff was cleaning out the garage and we were going through a box of hats, gloves, scarves etc. In all seriousness he looked at me and said,"I think we are pack rats" I was thinking to myself "are you just noticing this?" I said,"yessss...." and he said," Well, I am concerned!" I am still laughing out loud about it.

New chapter in our lives, here we come.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

14 Days until Christmas!

I can not believe how fast this year has gone. We have 14 days until Christmas. What a wonderful time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. I am in awe of this gift we have been given. I can not even wrap my mind around giving up my son for people, let alone a bunch of sinners.I need to focus on the reason for the season, especially when I start to think that I have nothing done. I haven't done one bit of shopping, no Christmas letter, no family photo, no baking, nothing.... not yet, I still have 14 days :)

I am looking forward to getting out the flour, sugar, eggs and spices to make goodies with my little girl (who is growing up so very fast). I look forward to going through all my photos on snapfish and reminiscing about this past year. Looking for my favorite photos, of which there are so many. I look forward to attempting to take a family photo so I can send out a card. I look forward to time with family and enjoying each others company. I look forward to hearing Christmas music and feeling the tears well up in my eyes as I think of the birth of Jesus. I look forward to lighting candles at church on Christmas Eve.

We are blessed. It seems like during the holiday season we forget why we are celebrating. This year I want to remain focused on the things that are important to me: the birth of Jesus, my husband, my children, my family. I will attempt not to get stressed out about the things I am behind on and remember why we celebrate this holiday. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Watch the toe MOM!

Anytime I get close to Lexa she says,"Watch the toe Mom!, Watch the toe Mom!" Here are some photos.

And here is the nail in the ziplock! Just what everyone wanted to see.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Last night we had a fun time going to old town for my hip hop flash mob.Which was way cool. There were about 30-40 and it turned out awesome. It was very funny to hear some of the people that didn't know about it. I, Jeff, was very impressed with how well Jaimee did for having surgey on Tuesday. FUN, FUN, FUN. We did it to the song Christmas in Hollis by Run DMC. After we came home Lexa was running around barefoot and decided to open the front door and tore her ENTIRE big toe nail off. I was gross. Jeff assessed the situation, Kathy held Lexa and I got online to see what we were to do. It was hanging on by a little piece so Jeff cut it off while Kathy and I held her. She is one tough cookie!! We got her set up on the couch and Jeff told her she could have anything she wanted (not sure this was a good idea) we showed her the toe nail and she thought it would be good to take to school when she got the surprise box. She started coming up with clues for her classmates to guess what was in the box. It is on her foot, it grows and you cut it. I told her she could take it to school before the surprise box as it may be really gross by then. We decided to take her to Dr. this morning to make sure we were proceeding correctly. Lexa wondered if Dr.Cauffman would be able to tell which nail had the problem if all her nails were painted with red polish. He thought that would be a good experiment. Along with the get anything you want, we are headed off to see Tangled. She will not be able to perform in her ballet recital tonight or tomorrow. I am feeling sorry for myself as I did not go to dress rehearsal so I haven't gotten to see it at all. Guess I will have to wait until spring for next one.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Last night Alexa was having a moment of snottiness. When I went in the bathroom to talk to her about it, she said,"sometimes, since I am already 5 years old I feel like a grown up and just want to do whatever I want, whenever I want to. I am really working on this Mom" I had a hard time not laughing, but oh goodness, what we have to look forward to!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Excitement at Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful time with family up at my folks house in Conifer. It turned out to be a beautiful day and we were even able to hang outside on the deck. Which turned out to be a good thing. Kathy is standing on the deck and notices that her Suburban is slowing backing up. I see Eric take off, then Jeff take off and I figured there were only 2 kids (at the time) here and both were mine, so I took off too. There is Milo in the drivers seat starting to roll down the drive way. We tried to open the door, but it was locked. Jeff pushed from the rear so it wouldn't go down the driveway and we got the spare key and were able to get Milo out. He was SCARED. I imagine more from seeing all of us running toward him and trying frantically to open the door then anything else. Even though it was lunch time, he wanted his blanket and to bed he went :) Like someone there said, it was a lesson learned without terrible consequences, as it could have been pretty bad if the vehicle had been further back in the driveway. Praise God!

Lots to be thankful for. I think about this everyday, we have so much and are so blessed.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Funny Things

I keep thinking I need to remember the funny things that Lexa said, and then I forget. As my Mom told me the other day it is CRS (Can't remember shit) haha. So here are a few things I have written down and not misplaced.
Lexa and I were having a conversation about her being mean to her brother.
Lexa ,"sometimes, I am having so much fun, my brain forgets and then I cause disasters and am mean"

Jeff and Lexa out to dinner:
Lexa,"how much dinner do I have to eat to get ice cream"
Jeff "all your chicken"
Lexa"well I don't have enough room"
Jeff "if you don't have enough room for chicken, then you don't have room for ice cream"
Lexa leans forward and puts her hand on her back "I have room right here in my back"

Got some pheasant from our neighbor and I found the wish bone. Told Lexa that she holds once side and I hold the other, each make a wish and pull and whoever gets the bigger side gets their wish. Lexa closes her eyes and says "I wish to be a fairy" :) She did get the bigger piece so we will see :)

Alexa and I were in Milo's room and she wanted to do something and I said no. She was fine, so I said "thank you for not freaking out that you didn't get to do that, that was great self control"
Lexa "well I just took a deep breath like you told me to. It is just that sometimes I forget to take a deep breath and then I freak out"
Lexa told Brooke last year ,"I'm just breathing through the attitude"

Milo on the other hand doesn't say anything funny yet. Although he thinks he is funny a lot. The other day I was working in the basement and I heard his little feet upstairs, I was on the phone so couldn't run up right away, a few minutes later I went upstairs and he was outside in his socks shoveling snow on the front porch. He loves to shovel!
Yes, I did put boots and a hat on. I'm on top of it!
Milo is here below, signing his favorite thing, CANDY!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I felt like Alexa got in her costume a lot, between Treatsylvania at the Farm, dressing up for the school parade and for Halloween, it was crazy! Bubbe had bought Milo a tool belt complete with tools. Lexa put it on and I told her she could wear that for halloween, she told me she wanted to be a fairy, I said she could be a worker fairy like tinkerbell. She decided that would be a good idea.
Brooke had asked if she could make Milo a costume. (why yes, what else would I say )They looked on the internet to decide on what he wanted to be. After lots of choices Milo decided he wanted to be a spider, so Brooke made him a costume. Milo was SCARED of it and would put his fists in front of his face and shake it was pretty sad, a little funny too. He would NOT put it on. I had to bribe him with candy, which of course, worked!
This picture above is of Milo signing spider. He loved to tell people what he was going to be.

Lexa had picked a little too skimpy outfit for me to wear, so.... I picked something in my closet 5 min before we left. We had a great time. Milo got pretty scared at some of the houses that had motion detection creepy stuff, so he decided not to go to the scary ones, worked for me.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is it really October

Lexa decided to have a mud bath. She pulled out all the blooming petunias first then took out all of her fairy garden items and proceeded to flood the planter box and cover herself in mud. She wanted to sit on my lap.

Who would think it is October in Colorado with a bikini!

Siblings having fun together for a moment.
Alexa says so many funny things that I figured I would try and write some down. The other day Bubbe (Kathy, Jeff's Mom), myself, Milo and Lexa were eating out. Lexa looks at Bubbe and asks her when she is going to have babies, Bubbe tells her that she already had babies, Jeff, Uncle Eric and Auntie Sarah. Lexa then asked when she would have a kid her age, Bubbe said she was too old now. Lexa asked how old, Bubbe said how old do you think, Lexa says 30. I asked her how old she thought I was she said 40. mmmmmm

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Milo getting chickens in coop

I am not too big of a fan of picking up the chickens to get them into the coop. I am getting better now that I have watched how Lexa does it. They just flap alot for me and I do nto like it so much. I decided to have Milo help get them in the coop today, since Lexa was not at home. He used an ear of corn to get them to follow him.

I ended up having to pick one up and get her in the coop and she did not flap. Whoop Whoop! the others followed not to far after.

I did eat one of the eggs today for the first time in boiled form and it was delicious!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sent out aug sept 10 (59 photos), by Jaimee Kenna

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos

1st Eggs

I was so excited to go out in the morning and find our first egg. I was trying to move fast to take the egg inside to show Alexa that this is what happened......

Yes this is the egg in the bottom of the trash can. UGH.... I decided I would just not say anything and then tell her I was pretty sure we would be getting eggs soon.

The next day, this is what we all found in the coop.

Everyone was very excited about our "1st egg" little did they know. Lexa brought it inside and I went upstairs to change Milo, when I came back down, Lexa said she was sorry. I asked what happened, she said it just rolled off the table... And there on the kitchen floor lay our "1st egg" had to laugh. I took Lexa to school and Jeff met us and Lexa told him that she broke our "1st egg" I decided since she was sad about it, that I would reveal the truth that I had broken the real FIRST egg the day before. Seems like it will be awhile before we actually get breakfast out of it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

12 Years!

Jeff and I had a wonderful weekend together up in Estes Park celebrating our 12th anniversary. It was the same weekend as the Scotish Festival so everyone assumed we were up there for that. I was excited to tell them we were celebrating 12 years on the 12th. Is that a golden type anniversary? Not sure, but super fun none the less. Our camera's regular lens broke, so all we had was the zoom. It was hard to capture our fun room with a zoom, but we tried.

We took a nap right when we got there and then walked around town, out to dinner, and back to room to hang out. It was wonderful!

I am so thankful that God put this amazing man in my life. I pray that we will continue to grow in Him and together as a couple. I look forward to more years together.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Poor Me

So, I decided I would try this out again. So many things happen around here that I would like to document. It seems like lately I am out of sorts. This year I haven't planted one thing, not one thing. My planter boxes in back have a few flowers, thanks to my Mom. My garden is filled with thistles as tall as I am about ready to flower. LOVELY. Thanks to my wonderful husband and a bright idea, he pulled them this weekend and put our pool back there, (a pool we have been trying to get rid with no luck) Now the pool is hidden from view by our wall of virginia creeper! My front yard is full of bind weed, direct from satan. So.... I am trying to remain positive about the things that I do get done. Not able to come up with many of those lately either. Need to get out of my funk. On another note....

Lexa started kindergarten and I just can't believe it. How time flies. She was nervous to go and didn't think it would be any fun. That she would sit at a desk all day long. When asked her first day what she thought, she jumped up and said,"I tried it and I loved it" what enthusiasm. I feel a little down about this. Mostly as I find that I regret the time I didn't spend. Not sure why I let my mind go this way, again need to get back to more positive thinking. She enjoyed her first week and was really into eating hot lunch. I am not sure if this is because she likes it or because she knows I do not know if she wastes her food since she doesn't bring it home :) She has been apprehensive about several things, like PE, since she is "not good at shooting hoops" I told her this is why she goes to PE to get better at shooting hoops. When she got home I asked about PE and she said she "loved it" she got to hula hoop and was getting pretty good.

So, I suppose this is why I am calling this poor me.

My best friends are moving away. Not just one of them, but both of them. I find myself so sad about this. I am so proud of them and what they are doing and why they are going, but I am sad. There are days I think about it and I feel I can not breath. Dear Lord help me. It seems this whole post is poor me, yep it is. I am just going to go with that at this time and then we will move on. I am thankful that I get to spend the next 2 Tuesdays with them at an Indian cooking class, that will include coffee and girl time after. I am thankful God put them in my life for the time they were, not that they won't be anymore, but the quick drop in will no longer be available.