Saturday, November 27, 2010

Excitement at Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful time with family up at my folks house in Conifer. It turned out to be a beautiful day and we were even able to hang outside on the deck. Which turned out to be a good thing. Kathy is standing on the deck and notices that her Suburban is slowing backing up. I see Eric take off, then Jeff take off and I figured there were only 2 kids (at the time) here and both were mine, so I took off too. There is Milo in the drivers seat starting to roll down the drive way. We tried to open the door, but it was locked. Jeff pushed from the rear so it wouldn't go down the driveway and we got the spare key and were able to get Milo out. He was SCARED. I imagine more from seeing all of us running toward him and trying frantically to open the door then anything else. Even though it was lunch time, he wanted his blanket and to bed he went :) Like someone there said, it was a lesson learned without terrible consequences, as it could have been pretty bad if the vehicle had been further back in the driveway. Praise God!

Lots to be thankful for. I think about this everyday, we have so much and are so blessed.

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