Saturday, December 11, 2010

14 Days until Christmas!

I can not believe how fast this year has gone. We have 14 days until Christmas. What a wonderful time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. I am in awe of this gift we have been given. I can not even wrap my mind around giving up my son for people, let alone a bunch of sinners.I need to focus on the reason for the season, especially when I start to think that I have nothing done. I haven't done one bit of shopping, no Christmas letter, no family photo, no baking, nothing.... not yet, I still have 14 days :)

I am looking forward to getting out the flour, sugar, eggs and spices to make goodies with my little girl (who is growing up so very fast). I look forward to going through all my photos on snapfish and reminiscing about this past year. Looking for my favorite photos, of which there are so many. I look forward to attempting to take a family photo so I can send out a card. I look forward to time with family and enjoying each others company. I look forward to hearing Christmas music and feeling the tears well up in my eyes as I think of the birth of Jesus. I look forward to lighting candles at church on Christmas Eve.

We are blessed. It seems like during the holiday season we forget why we are celebrating. This year I want to remain focused on the things that are important to me: the birth of Jesus, my husband, my children, my family. I will attempt not to get stressed out about the things I am behind on and remember why we celebrate this holiday. Happy Birthday Jesus!

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