Thursday, October 29, 2020


 We decided to get away to Dresden for a day via train. We are really not able to go too many places due to COVID. There are so many places that are considered hot spots, so we can not go there, unless we quarantine for 14 days when we get back. 

This is the Zwinger an early 18th century palace.

Not really sure what this one is.

This is the Georgentor and the Procession of the Princes. It is 102 meter long portrait of the Dukes, Electors and Kings of the house of Wettin. It was made in 18070 with 25,000 Meissen Porcelain tiles. 

We had our own compartment on the train back home, which was a highlight for the kids. 

This is a clock in the square and it reminds me of one that my grandparents had.

This is the Elbe River

The boys were excited to be in this cookie store, so many cookies! Milo and Lexa chose multi flavored meringues.

This is Kunsthofpassage, which is a little hidden area with shops and whimsical buildings.

We were being silly with fountain. 

We went to our first German restaurant here. I posted about this before in the food section. It is funny though, as our beer was cheaper than the kids apfelschorle (sparkling apple juice) 

Well this is a very unbecoming photo, but this was our compartment on the way home and the kids thought it was pretty great. It is nice when the travel works out. I would say the transportation portion is where most of our frustration comes from, so I was thankful this all worked out. Overall a successful trip for last minute, I would like to go back for Christmas markets, but who knows if they will be cancelled......


  1. Looks like a great adventure ❤️❤️😊

  2. Christmas markets are a bucket list item for me, never been at that time of year. I hope your family gets to experience one!
