Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Festival of Lights Berlin 2020

 The Festival of Lights is an open air light art gallery through Berlin. It lasts a week, there are 85 locations about 100 light art installations, spread all over the city.  Had I been prepared we would have done this the evening of our anniversary, but I didn't know about it, so we didn't.  The only day we could go was Thursday, so I told the kids to be prepped for a late night, as it all starts at 8pm. I planned out a route for us to take, knowing that frustration in our family is when transportation does not go as planned.  I wanted to take the S bahn down to the Tiergarten and then ride our bike around from there. I mapped out several to see just based on location. 

And so the adventure begins!

Victory Column 

                                                                    Stage theater, I think

                                                                    Potsdamer Platz

    Federal Ministry of Finance

United State Embassy in Germany

The Brandenburg Gate

Berlin Cathedral 

State Opera, St. Hedwig Cathedral, Hotel de Rome, Faculty of Law of Humboldt University. 180 degrees

hard to see panorama

We didn't make it to all the ones that I had planned, but we hit several and made it home around 12:30am.  I will say even when there is a route planned, it doesn't always work out. Sometimes, the gps doesn't pick up that you are going the wrong way until you have already gone 100 meters and then you turn everyone around. I sure miss the mountains in the West, no idea which way I am going here. haha1 It was a fun night, we are glad we went and look forward to visiting some of these places in the day time. 


  1. Isn’t berlin absolutely marvelous.

  2. Wow!!! You must be getting pretty comfortable in your new home away from home! Good for you!!!

  3. The mountains miss you!! Love you! These pics are amazing and I’m sure they don’t do it justice.
