Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Tree Adventure

It all started out just fine. There was a soft snow falling, it was quiet, and peaceful. We walked through the forest with fresh powder. It was beautiful....

Then Alexa fell into the soft powder and screamed on and on and on. She was FREEZING. It is interesting to me how the day before she can be outside with no coat and trying to see how long she can leave her barefeet in the snow. Today, is a new day, and 5 minutes outside and laying in fresh powder with all of her snow gear on is too much! She wants to go back to the car and will still not stop screaming. Jeff and I are both frustrated. We all walk back to the car. I tell Alexa to stay in the car and not to open the door for anyone. I do not go that far away from the car, but move so Alexa can't see me. While I am hiding from Alexa I watch Jeff decide that the perfect tree is a the bottom of the hill we are on top of. It is all by itself in a meadow at the bottom about 200 yards away. I am thinking, wow that will be a long way to pull a tree, and uphill. Jeff went...... and he came back, no tree, good workout. By this time we are wanting to find a tree close by. A truck pulls up, Alexa starting honking the horn. I come QUICKLY as I want her to stop. She wants to know who is in the truck. The family in the truck heads down to find their tree, I come closer, Alexa has the window down her t-shirt on and is talking to them as they pass by. Not cold anymore. Jeff brings our tree to the car. He is still frustrated with the screaming, and decides to talk to Lexa about what over reacting is. Jeff decided to show Alexa how she was acting, he proceeded to scream a blood curtling scream. I yelled, STOP, someone is going to think you cut your arm off with the saw. We left.

I thought it would be a great idea to go down the sledding hill. Jeff was done climbing up hills, so he opted to stay in car with Milo

The sledding hill was all powder, it had not been packed down. Lexa and I made it down twice before Milo convinced his Dad to bring him up the hill. Lexa and Milo went down, powdered snow in Milo's face..... more screaming. Kenna Christmas tree adventure. OVER

The whole thing was very comical afterwards. Our tree is awesome and we had a fun time decorating it! Although, Milo can't not figure out the difference between decorations and toys that can me hit.

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