Thursday, November 4, 2010


I felt like Alexa got in her costume a lot, between Treatsylvania at the Farm, dressing up for the school parade and for Halloween, it was crazy! Bubbe had bought Milo a tool belt complete with tools. Lexa put it on and I told her she could wear that for halloween, she told me she wanted to be a fairy, I said she could be a worker fairy like tinkerbell. She decided that would be a good idea.
Brooke had asked if she could make Milo a costume. (why yes, what else would I say )They looked on the internet to decide on what he wanted to be. After lots of choices Milo decided he wanted to be a spider, so Brooke made him a costume. Milo was SCARED of it and would put his fists in front of his face and shake it was pretty sad, a little funny too. He would NOT put it on. I had to bribe him with candy, which of course, worked!
This picture above is of Milo signing spider. He loved to tell people what he was going to be.

Lexa had picked a little too skimpy outfit for me to wear, so.... I picked something in my closet 5 min before we left. We had a great time. Milo got pretty scared at some of the houses that had motion detection creepy stuff, so he decided not to go to the scary ones, worked for me.

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