Friday, November 12, 2010

Funny Things

I keep thinking I need to remember the funny things that Lexa said, and then I forget. As my Mom told me the other day it is CRS (Can't remember shit) haha. So here are a few things I have written down and not misplaced.
Lexa and I were having a conversation about her being mean to her brother.
Lexa ,"sometimes, I am having so much fun, my brain forgets and then I cause disasters and am mean"

Jeff and Lexa out to dinner:
Lexa,"how much dinner do I have to eat to get ice cream"
Jeff "all your chicken"
Lexa"well I don't have enough room"
Jeff "if you don't have enough room for chicken, then you don't have room for ice cream"
Lexa leans forward and puts her hand on her back "I have room right here in my back"

Got some pheasant from our neighbor and I found the wish bone. Told Lexa that she holds once side and I hold the other, each make a wish and pull and whoever gets the bigger side gets their wish. Lexa closes her eyes and says "I wish to be a fairy" :) She did get the bigger piece so we will see :)

Alexa and I were in Milo's room and she wanted to do something and I said no. She was fine, so I said "thank you for not freaking out that you didn't get to do that, that was great self control"
Lexa "well I just took a deep breath like you told me to. It is just that sometimes I forget to take a deep breath and then I freak out"
Lexa told Brooke last year ,"I'm just breathing through the attitude"

Milo on the other hand doesn't say anything funny yet. Although he thinks he is funny a lot. The other day I was working in the basement and I heard his little feet upstairs, I was on the phone so couldn't run up right away, a few minutes later I went upstairs and he was outside in his socks shoveling snow on the front porch. He loves to shovel!
Yes, I did put boots and a hat on. I'm on top of it!
Milo is here below, signing his favorite thing, CANDY!!

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