Monday, October 12, 2020

Honeymoon is over..... Also lots of good, new and random things

 Well we have now moved out of the honeymoon phase and into struggling mode. It is hard to move to a new country. It is one thing for Jeff and myself to struggle and another one to watch our kids struggle with what we have asked them to do. We have our ups and downs, but it is not easy. I believe it will get better the longer we are here.  We appreciate all the prayers and we need them, as we all do! What is not easy? I'm going to just bullet point

- school is not comparable to school in US

- everything just takes longer

- pay is not what it was said to be

- pay check has been messed up since we got here and still not fixed

- school is very hard for Milo

- handling unexpected emotions

- hard time to come, during a pandemic

Moving on. It is fall here and beautiful. The vines on the building are beautiful, the orange and reds are so pretty. Getting outside is good for the soul. 

Milo is trying lacrosse and is enjoying it. They had scrimmage the other day, it was fun to watch, we are learning the sport. 

This has led to Milo wanting to play at home. This is our solution to having a target to shoot through. 

I had a fun time with my cousin Gretchen. We explored a German cemetery. Did you know that here people do grave leases and hire someone to take care of it for however long, usually 15-30 years. If you stop paying the grave lease then you headstone and contents are removed and someone else could possibly  move in.  Anyhow, it is cool to be in the space, that is right n the middle of a big city. 

I think it is cool to see that these are built with bricks then had over lays of stucco like material to create the facades. 

Well, here are the old head stones piled at the back.

We thought this one below was appropriate Familie Ende.......


Always a highlight this cute little guy. Conrad my cousin. 

We also went to a fun Italian market, we ate really good pizza and looked at all the great things in the market. I purchased some almond biscotti, capers and caperberries, as I love those things.  Gretchen suggested I should write about my cooking adventures. So I will include some of those things at a later time. 

Random things, there are soooo many gummy candies here. Holy moly! Yes I do have my favorite. It is the Katje's Wunderland Rainbow. MMMM I would take a photo but I am currently out. The rule is, they are mine, so there always needs to be one left in the bag. I do not like going to the cupboard to get one and there is an empty bag, (it is hard to put empty bags in trash can) as long as there is one, I am good to go.


  1. Thinking of you guys and hoping things continue to get better as time passes!

  2. Love you so much. Interesting cemetery facts. I think they are always fun to explore. Know I think of you often and pray things get better everyday. You are strong and full of faith and I know you are going to be ok🙏🏼🥰

  3. Enjoying your commentary and pictures. Cannot wait to make a trip over. Thanks for keeping up-to-date on your new experience. Love You!!!
