Monday, August 31, 2020

First day of School at JFKS Berlin, 7th, 10th and 5th grade!


First day of school. They are both considered high school here. Milo is nervous and excited, Lexa is nervous. Jeff is nervous. In the US, we get information overload, I think before Lexa went to high school in Fort Collins, they went through the high school multiple times, knew where they were to go etc. Here, they did not know what group they were in, they are to check their email, but have not been given their email address or password. They had orientation but didn't go through where they are supposed to enter. Each grade level enters campus in a different area, to keep them socially distanced as much as possible. Everyone is just flying by the seat of their pants. Jeff doesn't really have a curriculum map as to what he is to be teaching, he has a free hour that he is supposed to come up with an elective. I have the most confidence that he will do just fine, but the couple days leading up to and today have been stressful. Praying they all can get it all figured out soon! 

Well they made it through! The first week was stressful with emotions running high. Lexa was in boys sport and Milo was in girls sport. They got it figured out. The school is about independence and figuring things out on your own, which is great, when you have the resources to get to that point. The kids are making friends so I am very thankful about that. Jeff is getting settled in. I am very proud of everyone for how they are adjusting. I wasn't sure how it would go.


  1. Yay Jeff, Lexa and Milo! Way to figure things out with all the confusion that was thrown your way!

  2. So happy that all is settling in. Love you!!
