Saturday, December 4, 2010


Last night we had a fun time going to old town for my hip hop flash mob.Which was way cool. There were about 30-40 and it turned out awesome. It was very funny to hear some of the people that didn't know about it. I, Jeff, was very impressed with how well Jaimee did for having surgey on Tuesday. FUN, FUN, FUN. We did it to the song Christmas in Hollis by Run DMC. After we came home Lexa was running around barefoot and decided to open the front door and tore her ENTIRE big toe nail off. I was gross. Jeff assessed the situation, Kathy held Lexa and I got online to see what we were to do. It was hanging on by a little piece so Jeff cut it off while Kathy and I held her. She is one tough cookie!! We got her set up on the couch and Jeff told her she could have anything she wanted (not sure this was a good idea) we showed her the toe nail and she thought it would be good to take to school when she got the surprise box. She started coming up with clues for her classmates to guess what was in the box. It is on her foot, it grows and you cut it. I told her she could take it to school before the surprise box as it may be really gross by then. We decided to take her to Dr. this morning to make sure we were proceeding correctly. Lexa wondered if Dr.Cauffman would be able to tell which nail had the problem if all her nails were painted with red polish. He thought that would be a good experiment. Along with the get anything you want, we are headed off to see Tangled. She will not be able to perform in her ballet recital tonight or tomorrow. I am feeling sorry for myself as I did not go to dress rehearsal so I haven't gotten to see it at all. Guess I will have to wait until spring for next one.

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