Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Milo getting chickens in coop

I am not too big of a fan of picking up the chickens to get them into the coop. I am getting better now that I have watched how Lexa does it. They just flap alot for me and I do nto like it so much. I decided to have Milo help get them in the coop today, since Lexa was not at home. He used an ear of corn to get them to follow him.

I ended up having to pick one up and get her in the coop and she did not flap. Whoop Whoop! the others followed not to far after.

I did eat one of the eggs today for the first time in boiled form and it was delicious!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sent out aug sept 10 (59 photos), by Jaimee Kenna

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1st Eggs

I was so excited to go out in the morning and find our first egg. I was trying to move fast to take the egg inside to show Alexa that this is what happened......

Yes this is the egg in the bottom of the trash can. UGH.... I decided I would just not say anything and then tell her I was pretty sure we would be getting eggs soon.

The next day, this is what we all found in the coop.

Everyone was very excited about our "1st egg" little did they know. Lexa brought it inside and I went upstairs to change Milo, when I came back down, Lexa said she was sorry. I asked what happened, she said it just rolled off the table... And there on the kitchen floor lay our "1st egg" had to laugh. I took Lexa to school and Jeff met us and Lexa told him that she broke our "1st egg" I decided since she was sad about it, that I would reveal the truth that I had broken the real FIRST egg the day before. Seems like it will be awhile before we actually get breakfast out of it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

12 Years!

Jeff and I had a wonderful weekend together up in Estes Park celebrating our 12th anniversary. It was the same weekend as the Scotish Festival so everyone assumed we were up there for that. I was excited to tell them we were celebrating 12 years on the 12th. Is that a golden type anniversary? Not sure, but super fun none the less. Our camera's regular lens broke, so all we had was the zoom. It was hard to capture our fun room with a zoom, but we tried.

We took a nap right when we got there and then walked around town, out to dinner, and back to room to hang out. It was wonderful!

I am so thankful that God put this amazing man in my life. I pray that we will continue to grow in Him and together as a couple. I look forward to more years together.