Friday, May 8, 2009


Last night Alexa woke up at 2am and Jeff went in to check on her, she was behind her bed in the closet and she had her comforter laid out over her whole bed. Jeff asked her what happened and she said, "there are little sharks all over my bed and they keep biting me" Jeff investigated and found crumbs all over her bed. Too funny

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Takes so VERY long!!

Alexa has quiet time from 2-4 everyday. Today she was getting ansy around 3:30 and I told her she needed to stay in her room until the 3 turned to a 4. She did good for awhile, then when it was 3:55 she came out and I said she needed to wait until the 3 turned to a 4, she said," I just can't, the 4 is taking so very long". I just had to laugh. I told her it was only 5 more minutes, she made it and happily came out of her room saying her clock said 4. Getting a package from her Grandma Maruka made it a little harder to wait in her room.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Milo in the toy chest

I hear muffled cries this afternoon. I went upstairs to see Alexa sitting on top of Milo's toy chest and Milo was inside. When she got off and I lifted the lid I realized that his little fingers were pinched inside of the lid. He was not very happy. It is amazing to me how quickly he recovers after having 40lbs pushing the lid down on top of him, for who knows how long. I thought they may have been broken, but appear to be ok. Milo is going to be a tough boy with Alexa as his big sister.

Alexa telling the truth...

We were on our way to school last week and I asked Alexa if she took my chap stick and toothbrush out of my room, she said, "No". I waited a little bit and asked her what she said, she said, " No" again, I paused, she then said, "but I know who did" when I asked her who she said, "Bumba did it" (Bumba and Keetsie are her imaginary friends) she said Bumba put them in Milo's toy chest. I tried not to laugh and then explained she was actually lying to me.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lexa's new haircut

On the 18th, I came home from the gym and Alexa was sitting on the stairs with her head down and her eyes peeking up at me and I noticed her hair looked a little different. She had a large chunk out of her bangs and then chunks taken out over numerous areas. I had to just laugh as it was funny. Not something I would like her to do on her own, but funny none the less. Jeff was upset about it. I figured it would grow back. I did cut off the back so it would look a little better. She didn't do too bad framing her face. A couple days later when our neighbor Liz got home we went to her salon to have it all fixed up. My camera battery went dead before I could get any photos. Alexa did not like the process of getting her hair washed.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I WON, yipee I am so excited. I lost 11.7% of my body weight. I was getting very frustrated with the Club for not posting the winner. I was trying to change my attitude that regardless if I won or lost, I lost 20lbs so that is awesome, but I just really wanted to win. There is something about having a competition to get me going. Funny how that works.

I am so excited for Jeff to be on spring break next week. It is going to be so nice to have him home and helping with the kids. I am so thankful to have him as my husband!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lost it at the Club

So, on January 6th Jeff and I both joined a contest at the Ft. Collins Club, called I Lost it at the Club, we had our final weigh in yesterday and we find out tomorrow who won. A man and a woman will win and it is based off percentage of weight loss, I lost 20 lbs and Jeff lost 12lbs so that is awesome. I have to admit I will be a little disappointed if I don't win, but loosing 20lbs is awesome in my book and I am very excited. I hope to reach my goal by July. We will see. I am not feeling like going to the gym today however :) I have been going 5 days a week, we will see maybe I will celebrate the end of the contest and not go today.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New teeth

Milo is 10 months old and has 3 teeth so far. He is starting to get his other top tooth and is in some pain. He is normally a very smiley, content baby, but today he was upset and it is his tooth. It is amazing what a few teething tablets will do for him! He is still asleep as is Alexa so I am hoping to get a few things done, and blogging appears to be what I am doing. I figured I would try this out as I think it would be a family treasure at some point. We will see if it is something I can fit into my day.