Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lexa's new haircut

On the 18th, I came home from the gym and Alexa was sitting on the stairs with her head down and her eyes peeking up at me and I noticed her hair looked a little different. She had a large chunk out of her bangs and then chunks taken out over numerous areas. I had to just laugh as it was funny. Not something I would like her to do on her own, but funny none the less. Jeff was upset about it. I figured it would grow back. I did cut off the back so it would look a little better. She didn't do too bad framing her face. A couple days later when our neighbor Liz got home we went to her salon to have it all fixed up. My camera battery went dead before I could get any photos. Alexa did not like the process of getting her hair washed.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I WON, yipee I am so excited. I lost 11.7% of my body weight. I was getting very frustrated with the Club for not posting the winner. I was trying to change my attitude that regardless if I won or lost, I lost 20lbs so that is awesome, but I just really wanted to win. There is something about having a competition to get me going. Funny how that works.

I am so excited for Jeff to be on spring break next week. It is going to be so nice to have him home and helping with the kids. I am so thankful to have him as my husband!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lost it at the Club

So, on January 6th Jeff and I both joined a contest at the Ft. Collins Club, called I Lost it at the Club, we had our final weigh in yesterday and we find out tomorrow who won. A man and a woman will win and it is based off percentage of weight loss, I lost 20 lbs and Jeff lost 12lbs so that is awesome. I have to admit I will be a little disappointed if I don't win, but loosing 20lbs is awesome in my book and I am very excited. I hope to reach my goal by July. We will see. I am not feeling like going to the gym today however :) I have been going 5 days a week, we will see maybe I will celebrate the end of the contest and not go today.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New teeth

Milo is 10 months old and has 3 teeth so far. He is starting to get his other top tooth and is in some pain. He is normally a very smiley, content baby, but today he was upset and it is his tooth. It is amazing what a few teething tablets will do for him! He is still asleep as is Alexa so I am hoping to get a few things done, and blogging appears to be what I am doing. I figured I would try this out as I think it would be a family treasure at some point. We will see if it is something I can fit into my day.