Friday, January 7, 2011

Sad and Funny

Seems like the fox likes to visit when we are at church. I was looking out the window and saw the swiper fox and yelled. Jeff went outside and we could not find the chickens. There were feathers everywhere. We found one hen hiding. The other was gone (at least the fox took her this time) This angers Jeff beyond belief. He decided that he was going to go look for the fox. So off he went sprinting down the street, SCREAMING, "get back here". He had no form of weapon, just was running and yelling. I had to chuckle at this, as I was wondering what he thought he was going to do and if he really thought the fox would stop and come back. He did not catch the fox. He went on a mission to find the remains of the chicken. Alexa was with me in the back, she says,"that damn fox" I told her that is not a good thing to say, she says,"well he is a damn fox!" (agreed) I later notice my neighbor looking quizzically down the street, then going back inside. A few minutes later I see his wife and daughters out and they all are standing there looking down the street with a strange looks on their faces. I was wondering what Jeff was doing, as I assumed they were looking at him. I poked my head out and Liz asked," Is Jeff OK?" I asked,"why?" Liz says," well, he is screaming at the sewer and throwing rocks" I about peed my pants. Jeff told me he saw the fox in the sewer and was trying to scare him into not coming back. This whole ordeal, made loosing the chicken much easier.

We have one lone hen and we have found her a home, so that she is not alone. We will try our hand at chickens in the spring time.