Sunday, August 22, 2010

Poor Me

So, I decided I would try this out again. So many things happen around here that I would like to document. It seems like lately I am out of sorts. This year I haven't planted one thing, not one thing. My planter boxes in back have a few flowers, thanks to my Mom. My garden is filled with thistles as tall as I am about ready to flower. LOVELY. Thanks to my wonderful husband and a bright idea, he pulled them this weekend and put our pool back there, (a pool we have been trying to get rid with no luck) Now the pool is hidden from view by our wall of virginia creeper! My front yard is full of bind weed, direct from satan. So.... I am trying to remain positive about the things that I do get done. Not able to come up with many of those lately either. Need to get out of my funk. On another note....

Lexa started kindergarten and I just can't believe it. How time flies. She was nervous to go and didn't think it would be any fun. That she would sit at a desk all day long. When asked her first day what she thought, she jumped up and said,"I tried it and I loved it" what enthusiasm. I feel a little down about this. Mostly as I find that I regret the time I didn't spend. Not sure why I let my mind go this way, again need to get back to more positive thinking. She enjoyed her first week and was really into eating hot lunch. I am not sure if this is because she likes it or because she knows I do not know if she wastes her food since she doesn't bring it home :) She has been apprehensive about several things, like PE, since she is "not good at shooting hoops" I told her this is why she goes to PE to get better at shooting hoops. When she got home I asked about PE and she said she "loved it" she got to hula hoop and was getting pretty good.

So, I suppose this is why I am calling this poor me.

My best friends are moving away. Not just one of them, but both of them. I find myself so sad about this. I am so proud of them and what they are doing and why they are going, but I am sad. There are days I think about it and I feel I can not breath. Dear Lord help me. It seems this whole post is poor me, yep it is. I am just going to go with that at this time and then we will move on. I am thankful that I get to spend the next 2 Tuesdays with them at an Indian cooking class, that will include coffee and girl time after. I am thankful God put them in my life for the time they were, not that they won't be anymore, but the quick drop in will no longer be available.