Saturday, April 25, 2009

Takes so VERY long!!

Alexa has quiet time from 2-4 everyday. Today she was getting ansy around 3:30 and I told her she needed to stay in her room until the 3 turned to a 4. She did good for awhile, then when it was 3:55 she came out and I said she needed to wait until the 3 turned to a 4, she said," I just can't, the 4 is taking so very long". I just had to laugh. I told her it was only 5 more minutes, she made it and happily came out of her room saying her clock said 4. Getting a package from her Grandma Maruka made it a little harder to wait in her room.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Milo in the toy chest

I hear muffled cries this afternoon. I went upstairs to see Alexa sitting on top of Milo's toy chest and Milo was inside. When she got off and I lifted the lid I realized that his little fingers were pinched inside of the lid. He was not very happy. It is amazing to me how quickly he recovers after having 40lbs pushing the lid down on top of him, for who knows how long. I thought they may have been broken, but appear to be ok. Milo is going to be a tough boy with Alexa as his big sister.

Alexa telling the truth...

We were on our way to school last week and I asked Alexa if she took my chap stick and toothbrush out of my room, she said, "No". I waited a little bit and asked her what she said, she said, " No" again, I paused, she then said, "but I know who did" when I asked her who she said, "Bumba did it" (Bumba and Keetsie are her imaginary friends) she said Bumba put them in Milo's toy chest. I tried not to laugh and then explained she was actually lying to me.